How Does The Appraiser Not Consider The Floor Plan When Giving An Assessment For The Reverse Mortgage?
Property Appraisers in the United States is a vastly popular subject on the Internet. Almost all e-books, articles, forums, etc. have one common denominator: if you want to learn how to get the best property appraisers in your area for free, then you need to know this article. Real Estate Appraisals is a niche topic unto itself, but it's too important not to touch upon. If you can learn what to look for when you're trying to find an appraiser, then you could save yourself thousands of dollars.
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Why do appraisers typically not consider the value of the home as the number one thing they will look at? You can be sure the homes in the top bracket of the market will be priced very high. Why? Real Estate Appraisals appraisers and home inspectors are business people first and foremost. They have a job to do, and that job is to find problems and fix them in order to make money.
You might ask, so why does the appraiser not take the market value into consideration? The reason why is because they want to stick with the numbers they come up with. The appraisers themselves do not understand that there are variables in the housing market that can make the appraisal differ from the real market value. For instance, a two-story home in the top segment of the market may only be worth half of the market price, because it's located in a less desirable area. In fact, the home inspection score for that two-story home would be lower than the average, because the inspector is probably going to find more issues with the home then the owner of the home thought there would be.
How Does The Appraiser Not Consider the Floor Plan When Giving an Assessment For the Reverse Mortgage?
This is just one example of how the appraisers and inspectors truly don't understand the market value, they simply rely on the numbers the properties they find are worth. In fact, this is the exact opposite of what the owner's representatives are trying to tell the appraisers. The representatives want the property appraised strictly on the basis of market value alone, not on the basis of what the inspection found on the property.
Appraisals have nothing to do with the new appraisal. When a lender or bank sets an appraisal on a house, they consider the new appraisal as being in the same category as the old one. Appraisals are actually for new sales only. When a buyer makes an offer on a house, the offer is based upon the market value of the home at the time of closing, not at the time of the sale. Most lenders and banks make this simple mistake when setting appraisals.
What the appraisers really should be doing is communicating information that the borrowers must know in order to choose a lender and bank that will work with them. Appraisal independence, however, is a concept that many mortgage brokers and lenders have adopted without educating the appraisers. There is no universal meaning for appraisals, and there is no legal requirement for a broker or a lender to communicate clearly regarding the meaning of appraisals. There is also no way to determine whether the appraiser is truly independent or not.
Most states require home inspectors to be licensed. Although the requirements vary from state to state, at least all home inspectors must meet the national standard for training and certification. If the mortgage underwriting company or broker does not have a license, they are not legally permitted to give estimates to buyers. No estimate will be considered binding on the mortgage lender or broker. Home inspectors who are not properly trained or certified cannot competently assess the subject property. As stated earlier, most home inspectors do not have a license, and they cannot offer guarantees or recommendations to the buyer.
In short, the lender will make the final decision as to what the appraisal will consider. The appraisal may come from the lender's employees who will review the current floor plan, or they may request a second opinion from an appraiser who is not connected to the lender. In either case, the appraisal should be considered as only one of many factors when the lender is making its final decision concerning the loan.
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